Neue Indikation PIK3CA-mutiertes Mammakarzinom: Erste Erfahrungen aus dem molekularpathologischen Routinelabor

Strohkamp S, Schmidt S, Falk M, Tiemann K. Neue Indikation PIK3CA-mutiertes Mammakarzinom: Erste Erfahrungen aus dem molekularpathologischen Routinelabor. Journal Oncologie 2021

Squamous/epidermoid differentiation in normal breast and salivary gland tissues and their corresponding tumors originate from p63/K5/14-positive progenitor cells

Boecker W, et al. Squamous/epidermoid differentiation in normal breast and salivary gland tissues and their corresponding tumors originate from p63/K5/14-positive progenitor cells. Virchows Arch 2015 Jan;466(1):21-36. doi:10.1007/s00428-014-1671-x. Epub 2014 Oct 26

K5/K14-positive cells contribute to salivary gland-like breast tumors with myoepithelial differentiation

Boecker W, et al. K5/K14-positive cells contribute to salivary gland-like breast tumors with myoepithelial differentiation. Mod Pathol 2013 Aug;26(8):1086-100. doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.45

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